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F AIR, spol. s.r.o., CZ/ATO-001 announces a selection process for experienced flight instructors to join our dynamic and international team




• Qualifications:

  • FI(A), or IRI(A) and IR(A)/ME/MCC and 1500 hours multi-crew environment and IR(A) instructional privileges, or:
  • FI(A) and MCCI(A), or
  • FI(A) and SFI(A), or
  • FI(A) and TRI(A), or
  • TRI(A) A320, or
  • SFI(A) A320
•  Location: Czech Republic - LKPR
•  Experience: A320 type rating, 1500 hours multi-crew environment
•  Start: May 2025
•  Income: 230 EUR per session (including 1 hr briefing, 4 hrs session, 30 min debriefing), number of sessions guaranteed based on agreement and availability

Click to apply: Selection process, or feel free to contact us at





• Qualifications: Minimum CPL(A) license with FI(A) qualification including FI IR and FI ME SP (MEP LAND)
• Location: Czech Republic - LKKV, LKBE, LKTB
• Experience: 200+ hours IFR Time hours
• Start: February/March 2025
• Income: gross income example during summer season 4.000 EUR

If needed, we will arrange the renewal of any expired qualification or training for CRI MEP/IRI

Click to apply: Selection process, or feel free to contact us at




• Qualifications: Minimum CPL(A) license with FI(A) qualification including IR(A) qualification for MPL training
• Location: Czech Republic - LKKV, LKBE, LKTB
• Experience: 500 hours total, 200 hours FI
• Start: March 2025
• Income: gross income example during summer season 3.400 EUR

Click to apply: Selection process, or feel free to contact us at




•   Full-time or part-time positions available at our bases - LKBE, LKKV, LKPR
•   Monthly flight time up to 70 - 80 hours (+ simulator)
•   Attractive remuneration
•   Benefit system (extension of qualifications, revalidation of qualification, pilot liability insurance, Revalidation of medical certificate etc.,)
•   Personal and professional growth opportunities
•   Experience working in an international environment
•   Work in a team of experienced professionals with experience across all areas of aviation (airlines, business aviation, test flights, military, aerobatic competitions, ...)
•   Experience with different types of aircraft GA equipped with modern technology (including G1000 and other avionics)
•   Personal development opportunities through participation in various projects
•   Additional financial rewards for work on individual projects
•   Modern teaching support - E-learning, E-exam, Flynet internet reservation system, virtual reality
•   Fully prepared aircraft, ready to fly
•   Great flexibility in work/life balance, where you will be home almost every evening
•    The option to arrange accommodation at or near the airport

•   Strong English proficiency, ability to teach in English
•   Basic computer skills
•   Proactive attitude
•   Communicative and Pedagogical skills

•   Personal interview in English
•   A short demonstration of teaching in English
•   Knowledge test
•   Check flight test on an airplane or simulator







EASA, CAAC, ISO9001, Green School


F AIR Ltd.
Benesov Airport, 126 Nesvacily,
257 51 Bystrice u Benesova
Czech Republic
Business reg. no.: 00662381
VAT no.: CZ00662381
A limited liability company registered in the Municipal Court of Prague Business Register, Section C, File 455

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